Tuesday, February 19, 2008

God is Green

The earth is the LORD’s, and everything in it.
The world and all its people belong to him. Psalm 24:1-2 (NLT)

I have had this instinctive sense of God’s profound love for creation all my life. I knew from the tender age of 9 or 10 that we have to take care of the earth, not because God needs our help, but because it pleases him and makes him smile. A few years ago Marcus and I were kayaking on Lake Jocassee at sunset. It was incredible, just the two of us for miles. As we paddled a long the shoreline, we were silent, taking in the beauty of the trees and rocky shoreline, and then to our amazement perched in a tree top was an eagle. Neither of us spoke as it flew off to the cliffs, our faces said enough. At that moment I was overwhelmed by God’s creation – not only in its splendor but the simple fact that God let me in on it! How many people actually see an eagle in its natural habitat?

That experience brought back to Psalm 24, the world belongs to God. The way I see it, the world is just on loan to us. It isn’t ours to do with it as we wish. Think back to the last time you let a friend borrow something. I’m not talking yard clippers or a rake, but imagine your friend’s computer crashed and they needed one immediately to meet a deadline, so you graciously offer them your laptop. Okay, deadline met and your dear friend returns your laptop. You would expect it to be returned exactly as you give it, right? But to you surprise it’s scratched, dented, and smells a little of coffee. And when you power it up…nothing! Not at all what we intended, not what we entrusted them to do.

God has entrusted the world and all that is in it to us, and we are not doing so good. Global warming, extinction, pollution, wasting valuable resources – who do we blame? We can point fingers at big companies and the government, but what are we doing? Many of us turn our heads, change the channel, and toss out our trash without any thought of recycling. Are we as Christ-followers being the stewards God has called us to be? Without fail, anytime I have raised this issue among the “church” someone makes a statement along the lines of “We have to be concerned about the salvation of people, not hugging trees!” For many years it was the battle of the “highlighted verses.” You know the ones folks like to highlight in their bibles to make their point. Today I know that doesn’t work – instead of working together, it divides us further. The back and forth causes us to focus on our agenda instead reflecting God’s image of love for each other; blaming doesn’t work. And besides neither side is wrong – God is big enough to love the world and every person in it!

So God loves you, the outcast, the lonely, the broken, me, and God loves trees, birds of the air, creatures on the ground and the swimmers. To say God loves one and doesn’t really care about what happens to the other is to limit God. My God knows no limits! To love God is to love his creation, all of it. Maybe the environment isn’t your thing, go love on someone! Maybe people aren’t your thing, may your lifestyle be green to the fullest! Remember we are the body of Christ – we all are not going to be the same part. So love each other in the good works you do and love the things God loves!

Friday, February 8, 2008

One Heart, One Life

God has blessed America! And to Christian American's much is now required. Engage-Reality is about stepping up. We are about doing something, but not for the mere reason to just be busy, but to make a difference in the lives around us...locally first, then gobally! We dare you to journey with us, find compassion then find your passion, and make a difference. Through our blog and website you will see what our hearts beat for. The likeness of Jesus first and formost, then people and getting at the root of their sufferings. (And there will be more explaination of the heartbeat and our logo later!) Will you join us?