Monday, September 15, 2008

It is time to take action. A wake-up call for parents and churches.

Today again my heart was ripped out of my chest because of the evil of sexual abuse in our country. I wept as heard how predators have out smarted society again (amazing how quickly their methods have changed and have become more aggressive in just one year). Anger fueled my passion to do everything in my power to protect my child and those in my family, in my neighborhood, in my church against those that carry out these unthinkable horrors to children just months old to our teenagers.

Oprah did an incredible job again at informing viewers about the abuse that takes place daily. Please take a look at her website if you didn’t see her show on Monday ( Today there is “how to manuals” on raping children. The Safe Touch prevention classes that are offered by many of our rape crisis centers are now competing with predators that use animated instructional videos for children on how to perform sexual acts on adults. These manuals and videos desensitize our children and predators use it to normalize their demonic behavior.

As a society we have been taboo on sexual abuse long enough. Our silence and denial allows sexual abuse to continue – and our children’s childhood is at stake. YOU CAN do something, YOU CAN make a difference. Here are 3 ways:

1. Bring the Stewards of Children training for adults to your church, your neighborhood, your child’s after school program, or any youth/children service organizations (Boys/Girls Club, Fusion Warehouse, YMCA, day care). This training educates adults to prevent, recognize and react responsibly to the epidemic of child sexual abuse. For more information on the training please contact me by email

2. Help pass the Senate Bill 1738 - PROTECT OUR CHILDREN ACT. This bill will put money behind law enforcement to fund more officers to cover abusers and more resources. Due to the lack of resources law enforcement is unable to follow-up on leads of child sexual abuse, specifically online predators (those that video the rape of children). This bill will authorize $320 million dollars over the next 5 years to law enforcement to investigate child exploitation, mandate that child rescue by a top priority by offices receiving this funding, and will allocate funds for computer software that can track down internet predators. Contact Jim DeMint and Lindsay Graham and tell them “VOTE YES ON SENATE BILL 1738 – THE PROTECT OUR CHILDREN ACT.” Contact information at: If you choose to email them, you can use the sample letter on

3. Volunteer at your local Child Advocacy Center or Sexual Trauma Center. The work load for staff at these agencies can be overwhelming and staff can not cover hotlines or ER visits 24 hours…your help is needed. To find your local center:

Enough is enough. If we don’t stand up and protect our children who will?

Surely we can change something,