Monday, March 3, 2008

Hold the Light

Remember back when you where a kid, and your dad or mom, or anybody working on something. Trying to fix the drain maybe? Or installing the newest appliance? All the tools would be there, everything needed for the job. Your job was to be the assistant, to hand the next part or tool when needed and of course ask lots of questions, some being about the task at hand even. Maybe now you’re the one with the tools trying to fix the drain. Now you have an assistant to hand you the parts and tools.

If you are anything like me, you will still try to do it yourself, hands full of parts and tools - things in your pockets, under your arms, even between your teeth. But now you can’t even ask for help with things between our teeth, all you can do is mumble. Then comes the hard part…it is dark. No light. How are you supposed to get at this problem if you can’t see? Then you think - my hands are full, and so are my pockets, maybe if I move this thing out from under my arm I can hold a flashlight there! Now there is some light but it’s not where you need it. You still can’t see it or get your hands on it. I know… hold the light between your teeth that has to work, right? Nope, still can’t see! Then frustration sets in - I can’t do this! How can anyone do this? It is too dark! This is impossible! I give up.

You lay the parts and tools down, the flashlight too. Your assistant is there still asking questions reaches down, and picks up the flashlight. Then boom! There is light! Now you see the problem, and you have both hands free. Now you can focus on what needs to be done.

The whole time all you needed was for someone to hold the light. It was dark; your hands where full and you just needed someone to hold the light. You had an assistant the whole time but you where trying so hard to do this alone that you didn’t ask for help; for them simply to hold the light.

Sometimes we are the assistant. We see people struggling, their hands full and in the dark. We ask questions, some even questions about the task at hand. But do we ever hold the light? Do we reach down, without being asked, pick the light up and point it where it needs to be? Not on the ground and not in their eyes, but on the task at hand, where the work is being done.

Matthew 5:16 (Today's New International Version)
In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.

Guest Blogger: Marcus


Anonymous said...

Hmm thought it was going to we as people letting God Jesus help us for He is the light. That is so true for us to be the light to people in the dark. Thank You

me said...

Excellent post. I especially like the ending: "Do we reach down, without being asked, pick the light up and point it where it needs to be? Not on the ground and not in their eyes, but on the task at hand, where the work is being done."