Wednesday, April 23, 2008

A21 Campaign

I have always been encouraged and challenged by women who have a passion for something. On the issue of violence against women and children there are some incredible advocates. But I have noticed in resent days the Christian community doesn't have many outspoken, daring advocates for this issue - their are plenty for the pro-life movement, teen pregnancy, even for the neglect of children - but finding Christians that will speak out against an abuse that effects women in EVERY area of their life for the rest of their life, those people are few and far between. But I have found one brave soul!!

Back in November I found a book that became a catalyst for Engage-Reality and a wake-up call in my personal life. The book is called "Stop Acting Like a Christian, Just Be One." The author is Christine Caine. We now refer to her as just "Chris" in our household! Chris is one of the few Christ-following advocates for sexual violence, a survivor herself, she saw a need and could not ignore it. That is what makes a great advocate.

Please take a moment to learn about A21, the overwhelming epidemic of sexual trafficking, and if you feel led, I encourage you to partner with Chris to make a difference in the lives of these women and children.

Those that have ears, let them HEAR-

Monday, April 14, 2008

The Women of the Democratic Republic of the Congo

For several years I have been learning of women and children who have survived unspeakable horrors from their own government in the DR Congo. This week I have committed to join hundreds around the world to pray for the specific needs of those living in this region. Many of us have seen the movie Hotel Rwanda and have heard of the ongoing genocide in the Darfur region; we are not ignorant to the evils that prevail in our world. But the stories of the DR Congo are often kept silent.

The DRC is the richest nation in natural resources but the poorest in human rights. For 10 years the region has been in civil war. And a weapon of war that has been used for centuries - sexual violence - is rampant. Armed groups daily attack villages - looting, brutally raping, kidnapping women and children forcing them to become "bush wives" or sex slaves. The rapes are so brutal many women and children must be repaired. The Panzi hospital has become a beacon of hope for thousands. Last year it was estimated that 4,000 women were treated for complications stemming from rape, mutilation and disease, this year those numbers are growing. Please join with me in praying for these women and children as young as 2.

I encourage you to visit an encourage website - here you can find specific prayer needs, and see episodes of 2 American women that have given up everything to spend a year in the DRC to minister to women and children. Their stories are amazing and encouraging. Please take the time to see at least one episode, it will bless you - then take a moment of your prayer time to remember our sisters suffering at the hands of violence.

Awareness leads to change -

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Salt and Light

It is hard to fathom if you are living through hell on earth that everything happens for a reason, but it does. That thought never crossed my mind in the moments of my abuses. Back then my thoughts could not go to such hopeful places. But they do now. I call that time in my life the dark zone. To know me then you would not have ever guessed that I was a victim of sexual abuse. I was outgoing, energetic, funny, made decent grades, and on my way to college. But alone in the dark I looked very different. There I was plagued by doubts, desperation, confusion and shame.

I believe the road to healing from sexual abuse is as painful, if not more so, than the incident itself. In the beginning of that journey my path crossed some well-meaning Christians that would often tell me to pray. Of course I was already doing that, and then they’d say I wasn’t praying hard enough. I was beginning to think that I didn’t know the secret God-code or something. I became bitter. At the time I was surrounded by Christians, who are supposed to be the salt of the earth, but I was decaying. You see, salt is more than flavoring or seasoning. We hear that a lot as an illustration for Christians, but salt is also a preservative. (Jesus was familiar with this as it was used on meats to it restrict bacterial growth.) So when we read, you are the salt of the earth, should we see ourselves as a preservative, having the ability to protect something from decay? YES.

We live in a world full of reasons that make people bitter. Some people have experiences that they inevitably lose parts of themselves, they begin to decay. As Christians we must pass the salt. Rabbis used salt as a symbol for wisdom. As I look back, many Christians I came in contact then really wanted to help but they lacked the wisdom. They just didn’t know how to help. But that should never be an excuse. Christians, if someone chooses you to share a struggle with – it is okay to admit you don’t know the answers, pray with them, and educate yourself. Jesus instructed us to be salt, that may take effort but the resources are available.

Were you ever afraid of the dark as a kid? I can remember the calculated moves it took to turn off the light and make it into bed with a single jump - defeating the monster under the bed! And if you were still afraid, the flashlight would make everything okay again. Now, in my 30’s, I still see how light makes everything okay. Keeping parts of our lives in the dark can haunt us. Light makes everything feel different. In the light, we see things as they really are. “God is light and there is no darkness in him at all” (1 John 1:5), has always brought me a sense of peace. God’s not afraid of the dark; to Him it doesn’t even exist. So what did that mean for me in my dark zone? It wasn’t dark to Him. I know that causes anger in some, pain in others – “Why didn’t God do something if He saw it happening?” There are probably thousands of answers to that question; I’ve heard some well-intended attempts. I don’t claim to know the answers. But I have asked that question too, for me that answer lies in the faces of every survivor I have spoken with. To look into their eyes and know there is a unity, a connection, even if I just met them. I went through the hell because one day I would met them and I had something to give back. That is not a God-complex, but it is because of God’s goodness I can comfort someone else.

God being light is not a bad thing. Think about the alternative - I don’t want a God that is in the dark! Jesus didn’t take the light away when He left this world; He passed that to us too. Being God’s light-bearers isn’t just about salvation, but it is about “holding the light” for others (see Marcus’ blog). It is about passing on the Good News of hope, freedom, joy, contentment, peace, truth…

Bad things happen to people. Every 2 and half minutes a woman is raped. 1 in 4 girls and 1 in 6 boys are sexually abused by their 18th birthdays. Those facts are reality and that can be overwhelming. More Good News…justice is a foundation of God’s throne (Psalm 89:14) And we are to be salt and light. Christ-followers aren’t afraid to use a little salt, and I am no longer afraid of the dark!

Be salt and shatter the darkness -