Wednesday, April 23, 2008

A21 Campaign

I have always been encouraged and challenged by women who have a passion for something. On the issue of violence against women and children there are some incredible advocates. But I have noticed in resent days the Christian community doesn't have many outspoken, daring advocates for this issue - their are plenty for the pro-life movement, teen pregnancy, even for the neglect of children - but finding Christians that will speak out against an abuse that effects women in EVERY area of their life for the rest of their life, those people are few and far between. But I have found one brave soul!!

Back in November I found a book that became a catalyst for Engage-Reality and a wake-up call in my personal life. The book is called "Stop Acting Like a Christian, Just Be One." The author is Christine Caine. We now refer to her as just "Chris" in our household! Chris is one of the few Christ-following advocates for sexual violence, a survivor herself, she saw a need and could not ignore it. That is what makes a great advocate.

Please take a moment to learn about A21, the overwhelming epidemic of sexual trafficking, and if you feel led, I encourage you to partner with Chris to make a difference in the lives of these women and children.

Those that have ears, let them HEAR-

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