Monday, April 14, 2008

The Women of the Democratic Republic of the Congo

For several years I have been learning of women and children who have survived unspeakable horrors from their own government in the DR Congo. This week I have committed to join hundreds around the world to pray for the specific needs of those living in this region. Many of us have seen the movie Hotel Rwanda and have heard of the ongoing genocide in the Darfur region; we are not ignorant to the evils that prevail in our world. But the stories of the DR Congo are often kept silent.

The DRC is the richest nation in natural resources but the poorest in human rights. For 10 years the region has been in civil war. And a weapon of war that has been used for centuries - sexual violence - is rampant. Armed groups daily attack villages - looting, brutally raping, kidnapping women and children forcing them to become "bush wives" or sex slaves. The rapes are so brutal many women and children must be repaired. The Panzi hospital has become a beacon of hope for thousands. Last year it was estimated that 4,000 women were treated for complications stemming from rape, mutilation and disease, this year those numbers are growing. Please join with me in praying for these women and children as young as 2.

I encourage you to visit an encourage website - here you can find specific prayer needs, and see episodes of 2 American women that have given up everything to spend a year in the DRC to minister to women and children. Their stories are amazing and encouraging. Please take the time to see at least one episode, it will bless you - then take a moment of your prayer time to remember our sisters suffering at the hands of violence.

Awareness leads to change -

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